By Grace Anderson, Hennepin County Master Gardener

Hennepin County Master Gardener volunteers have staffed a booth at Midtown Farmers Market (MFM) in Minneapolis since its start in 2003. Now in the 11th year of our partnership with the market, we regularly answer questions and chat with market goers and vendors every Saturday from May through September. As a long-standing member of the market community, we are looked for and often have repeat visitors. Questions range from how to grow vegetables and flowers to plant disease and identification, garden design, and plant selection. Every season more than 60 Master Gardeners and interns volunteer at the market.

The MFM was created with a vision of a community-based food system that assures equitable access to healthy, locally produced food, supports reinvestment in the community, and provides for the long-term viability of our foodshed. Each year over 55,000 visitors come to the market. MFM was the first MN farmers market to accept SNAP-EBT. Our community based program at the market shares their values of community, equitable access, local, small scale, cooperation and collaboration. MFM is an ideal community based program for Master Gardeners.

Please join us for a wonderful experience at a small, diverse, urban farmers market. For more information, please visit their web site at

Note: Look for Hennepin County Master Gardener volunteers at several farmer’s markets throughout the metro.