University of Minnesota Extension Resources

The University of Minnesota Extension has several diagnostic tools will help you step through diagnosing a plant problem or identifying a weed or insect. Visit the Extension site for additional information about best plants and gardening practices for MN lawns, landscapes and gardens.

What’s wrong with my plant?

This resources is designed to help gardeners in Minnesota diagnose problems in the yard and garden caused by insects, diseases, and nonliving factors.

Go to the “What’s wrong with my plant?” diagnostic tool

What insect is this?

University of Minnesota Extension offers a wide variety of information on both helpful and harmful insects and spiders, how to identify insect damage on plants, and prevention and control of common household insects.

Go to the “What insect is this?” diagnostic tool

Is this plant a weed?

Have you found a plant growing where it’s not wanted? Is it a weed? A weed is defined as any plant that is considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one growing where it is not wanted. The University of Minnesota Extension diagnostic tool is designed to help you identify and manage common and invasive weeds in Minnesota lawns and landscapes.

Go to the “Is this plant a weed?” diagnostic tool

Additional Resources

University of Minnesota Extension offers a wide variety of information and resources on the several yard & garden topics.

Go to the Extension Yard and Garden site

Have a gardening question?

We can help! The Master Gardener Hotline will answer your gardening questions year round. Call (612) 301-7590 or send us your question online.