Gardening Tales Blog
Don’t Eat This Type of Parsnip!
How is wild parsnip related to the vegetable that I love to sauté in butter? Like cultivated parsnips, its roots are edible. But wild parsnip’s sap can cause severe blisters and burns.
Chickens in the Victory Garden
I don’t know about you, but during this pandemic we have a real feeling of comfort from growing our own food.
Container Gardening – Tickle Your Senses with Herbs
The smell of fresh herbs tickles the senses whether they are added to our food, blended to create fresh teas, experienced as aromatherapy, or dried and used as air fresheners. Herbs enhance all they touch.
Container Gardening – Gardening Art
Container gardening is all about art and personal expression using plants as the medium. It isn’t about doing everything perfectly. There is no right or wrong in creating art.
Ephemerals and Early Spring Beauties
In nature, the earliest blooming perennial flowers are known as ephemerals. The definition of the word is “lasting a very short time.”
There’s Never Been a Better Time to Tackle Garlic Mustard!
Consider adding “Eradicate Garlic Mustard” to your #STAYHOMEMN to-do list this spring.
Victory Gardens for the Pandemic
Private citizens planted victory gardens during World War I, the Depression, and World War II to grow vegetables, herbs, and fruits.
Scale Insects, take a closer look.
Have you found scale insects on your pachysandra or magnolia tree?
A “giver” and a “builder”
We all know that master gardeners are “givers”. They give their time, their knowledge and their passion to help promote the appreciation of the natural world.