Gardening Tales Blog
Hennepin County Master Gardener has unique perspective on gardens: In The Sky.
Have you ever stayed in a high rise hotel or work in a downtown office where you can see other buildings below?
Learning about the UMN Native American Medicine Garden
Master Gardeners and Arboretum and Extension staff met with Cante-Suta Francis Bettelyoun at the Minneapolis American Indian Center this week.
“Growing Connections” for people with early dementia
This free gardening program was created exclusively for people living with early dementia, and for their care partners.
“Borage” Beautiful, Beneficial and Blue
The first time I had ever seen Borage was on the grounds of the Seed Savers exchange in Decorah, Iowa.
Canna or Not?
The first year I planted Canna’s, they were lovely and I delighted in how tall and vibrant they were.
Yikes! Our too brief summer is already over.
Monarchs, Muppets, and Milkweed
I love butterflies, especially Monarchs, and while I knew basic information about them, I wanted to know more.
The Garden Journal – A Tool You May Have Overlooked
In the early spring I walk my tiny lot almost daily to see what is coming up out of the ground.
What’s the Deal with Dahlias?
I never planned to become a “Dahlia Dabbler.”