Growing Connections – The Language of Flowers

Over the centuries, and especially during Victorian times, people have used flowers to symbolically communicate certain emotions, attributes, and sentiments. For example, sweet basil signaled good wishes; a pink carnation said “I’ll never forget you”; a blue hyacinth stood for constancy. Come learn how to “speak flower” with the Master Gardeners.

Planting for Pollinators

Dive into the science of pollination—learn the types of plants and flowers that attract pollinators.

Perennial Gardening Basics

Perennial plants – those that come back every year – are the backbone of most flower gardens.


Growing Connections – The Language of Flowers

Over the centuries, and especially during Victorian times, people have used flowers to symbolically communicate certain emotions, attributes, and sentiments. For example, sweet basil signaled good wishes; a pink carnation said “I’ll never forget you”; a blue hyacinth stood for constancy. Come learn how to “speak flower” with the Master Gardeners.

Growing Connections – Birds in Our Backyard

Spring is the time to be on the lookout for our feathered friends: birds returning, birds nesting, and birds singing up a storm! Get to know our Minnesota birds, and learn how they help our gardens grow. 

Growing Connections – Birds in Our Backyard

Spring is the time to be on the lookout for our feathered friends: birds returning, birds nesting, and birds singing up a storm! Get to know our Minnesota birds, and learn how they help our gardens grow. 

Evolving Garden

Learn creative responses and practices to implement that require low maintenance, yet create beautiful and functional gardens.
