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Welcome to Winter Dreaming for Summer Eating Series

This four-part series encourages the attendees to dream and prepare for the upcoming gardening season. The classes are aimed at people who have done some vegetable gardening and want to be more intentional in their planning, selecting and growing over the next year.

There will be four one-hour classes that can be taken independently or as a complete series. Each class will be presented on a Saturday and repeated the following Tuesday. Registration is required. You will receive a zoom link in your confirmation email. You only need to register once to access the whole series.

Class #4: Extending the Growing Season

Frustrated by the short Minnesota growing season? There are several methods you can implement to add weeks to your growing calendar. We’ll discuss techniques that range from simple to advanced and empower you to try one or multiple in the upcoming season to get the most out of your garden.

This class covers soil warming methods, crop covers, basic succession planting, and protective structures.

Register for the Winter Dreaming for Summer Eating Series by completing the registration form.